As part of our mission, we commit to protecting the trees from logging even after they reach maturity. Instead, we provide protection against deforestation, as they play a crucial role in cooling our planet and supplying oxygen to the atmosphere. Experienced foresters supervise diligently to ensure that the planted trees receive the utmost care and attention, aiding their proper development.

Trees play a crucial role in cooling our planet and supplying oxygen to the atmosphere. A mature tree can absorb approximately 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide annually, which amounts to about 1 ton of carbon dioxide by the time it is 40 years old.


Trees not only absorb harmful pollutants but also release oxygen, regulate temperature, preserve water, and provide habitats for wildlife, which are essential for the survival of Earth’s complex web of life.

Moreover, trees have beneficial effects on our health! Studies show that being near them reduces stress, improves mood, lowers blood pressure, and even strengthens our immune system. They play a vital role in our lives, bringing numerous economic, health, and social benefits.

Absolutely. Gifting a tree to someone special is a thoughtful and unique gesture. Whether it’s for a birthday, name day, or anniversary, these personalized ideas offer a perfect green solution for bringing joy.

All you need to do is enter the name (or a short message) for labeling in your Plant a Tree account and add the tree to Trees. Upon Payment gateway, you will have the option to download a certificate (validating the planting), which you can then forward via email to the intended recipient.

You can also gift the tree virtually, in which case we will notify the recipient by email that they can view the tree in their account (it will also remain in your account as a gifted tree). After the actual planting, a photo will be available, showing the location and time of the planting, featuring your little hero with the unique label you provided.

We will notify you about the time and location of the planting via email. You can also find Plant a Tree Account about where and when the next planting is expected on our website (under the “About Us” section). Currently, we plant on purchased and regenerated land areas in Hungary within the EU.

After planting, we will send you a photo of your labeled sapling, showing the location of the planting. In your Plant a Tree account, you can track the status of your tree and collect more trees alongside the existing ones. We assign a serial number to each tree and carefully monitor their development.

If the recipient does not have a Plant a Tree account, after you’ve made the Payment gateway, you will be able to download a certificate validating the planting, along with a photo of the labeled sapling and its planting location, which you can then email to the intended recipient. You can also virtually gift the tree; in this case, the recipient will receive a notification that if they register, they will see their tree in their account.

If the person you wish to gift already has a Plant a Tree account, the virtual gifting occurs immediately. We will notify them by email that new trees have appeared in their account. It’s important to note that each tree can only be gifted once.

Yes, companies can also participate in the tree planting project. As a corporate partner, you can join this initiative in several ways. You can plant a mini forest in your company’s name and gift a tree or a group of trees to each of your employees or partners. Additionally, you can choose from various promotional and sponsorship options, encouraging your customers with uniquely labeled, gifted trees. If you too want to do more for environmental protection, learn more on our “Corporate Planting” page.

We always plant species native to the area, currently including cedars, red cedars, elms, wild pears, larches, and other wonderful varieties. The essence of strategic planting lies in a thoughtful planting concept for tree species.

The planted trees grow under the vigilant supervision of experienced foresters. With the care of these professionals, we ensure that the trees receive the utmost attention and care throughout their growth process.